Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Question 15 - How can I buy a copy of your new book?

What a wonderful question and so well timed as my new book is now available in a number of formats (well, two).

"They All Die At The End" is a collection of short stories dealing with loss, alienation, violence, moral dilemma, tax evasion, shopkeeping, bad driving and restringing a ukulele - amongst other things. The stories are gripping, compelling and, (very) occasionally, funny. Oh, and you can probably guess how each of them ends.

This book is now available on the Amazon Kindle platform!

"How very convenient," I hear you say, "but I don't have a Kindle".

Well, fear not because Kindle software is also available for PC, Mac, Android, iPhone/Pod/Pad, Blackberry, Windows Phone and dishwasher. Surely you've got one of those?

And the Kindle version is enticingly cheap to buy - a whole book of ten stories for only £1.71 or, if you live in the USA, $2.99. I know, that's not a great exchange rate but I don't set the rules - Amazon do.

Alternatively, you can go old-school and order a conveniently pocket-sized paperback from lulu.com. That's more expensive - but paper doesn't grow on trees, you know.

Or you can just buy a copy from me and avoid postage costs.

But whatever you do - buy a copy! Quick!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Question 14 - is this blog dead or just resting?

What a wonderful question, even if I did have to write it myself.

This blog is resting - as much as a coiled spring rests. It only takes the trigger of a real question from a concerned person for the blog to come back to life, rub the sleep from its eyes and hurtle into action.

In the meantime, you can read about matters of writing, politics, humour, culture and anything else that comes to mind over at my other blog here.