Wednesday 7 October 2009

Welcome to Sensible Answers

Hello and welcome to this new blog. This is a pilot to see whether the idea is worth developing into an all-singing, all-dancing website.

The idea is very simple - you ask
ANY question you like, using the comments box below, and I will answer it as honestly and usefully as I can. (If you can't see a comments box, click on where it says '0 comments' or '1 comment' and a box should appear.)

  • You're not posting questions in the forlorn hope that someone in the world will answer them sensibly.
  • You're not searching through a list of questions that have been asked before.
  • You won't get a rehash of a Wikipedia entry.
  • You WILL get a personal, beautifully crafted response from me - and all for a tiny fee - but we're still in the introductory period so it's currently free! Sometimes it will be witty for no extra charge!

The answers are not intended to be dry, definitive or even necessarily well-informed. They are the sort of answers I would give to a friend over lunch, even if I was paying. They may even occasionally be funny - sometimes intentionally so.

The first hundred questions will be answered free of charge. After that, there will be a nominal charge per question (probably one pound initially), payable before the question will be answered! (Payment mechanism to be determined.)

I'm hoping to get the sort of question which you would ask a friend when you wanted an honest opinion and either didn't have a friend who knew anything about the subject or had a personal reason why you'd rather not ask it of anyone you know well. I'm also happy to perform simple research into any subject.

So - why would you want me to answer your questions? I have worked in retail, finance, science and literature. I was educated at a prestigious university. I have spent a few years looking after a child. I have travelled widely. I read widely. I play four musical instruments (one well, three enthusiastically). I have a sense of humour. I am honest and trustworthy, I will not judge you and I am not easily offended.

For those unhappy with the concept of my answering ANY question, here are four examples of questions which I would tackle, although question 4 would probably require a lengthy answer (see terms and conditions below):

  1. What should I buy for my friend's birthday? He's going to be 38 and he's married with two kids.

  2. My kitchen sink drains really slowly and gives off a funny smell - what should I do?

  3. I have a terrible feeling of unease every time I see men with beards - is this rational?

  4. Is there a purpose to our existence on this planet?

Over to you!

Terms and conditions follow:

  • Obviously there will be some questions which I either cannot or will not answer. Anyone posting one of these after the free trial period ends will have their money refunded in full. Examples of questions that could be rejected are those which are potentially libellous, those that appear to incite to crime and those that are unmentionably boring.

  • Some questions will require lengthy answers, which may require an additional contribution. This will be made clear on an individual basis, again with a full refund if no answer is given.

  • And finally, I am not licensed to give financial, legal or medical advice. Nevertheless, I will take on such questions purely by way of giving my unofficial opinion. Any decisions you make based on my answers are your own responsibility, exactly as they would be if you asked the question of a friend over lunch.


  1. Does toast really fall butter side down?

  2. Why does the Waitrose self-scanning service require me to register at every store separately when I want to use their hand-held scanner thing? It's really frustrating...

  3. I want to buy a new digital camera but not an SLR as they are too bulky. My old digital camera didn't take good photos in low light but was small, portable and fitted in my pocket. What are my options and do you have any specific suggestions?

  4. Our cleaner has been underperforming and it's come to the stage where I need to either kill or sack her. Which would be the least traumatic for me, and how exactly shall I go about doing it? I live in a first-floor flat, with no lift, if that is relevant. Please do not involve chains of any kind in your answer as they give me nightmares. I will do exactly as you advise, so make sure you give a good constructive answer that will be easy to implement.

  5. What's worse, sport or religion?

  6. Why do people knowingly do stupid things?

  7. Why is the sky normally blue, sometimes red/orange/yellow-ish, sometimes indigo/violet-ish but NEVER green?

  8. Does prison work?

  9. Would you pay a pound to ask a question on a blog like this? Really?

  10. Why are bee colonies collapsing? Is my mobile phone to blame?

  11. Should I be embarrassed that we left our holiday in the Lake District early for a day in Blackpool?

  12. If your website becomes a success will you be able to successfully off-shore answering questions to a staff of thousands somewhere in Bangalore?

  13. We're told that putting your TV on stand-by uses almost as much power as leaving it on. My question is in three parts:
    1) Is this true?
    2) If so, what's using all the power if the TV is simply primed to receive a signal from the remote?
    3) Does this also apply to plasma, LCD and LED TVs?
